
LoRa trial: north path log begun to start near Rondissone
Testing coverage coming back from Milan showing a NLOS profile:

LoRa trial news update: new record!


LoRa trial news update: new record!
I changed the frequency and used a self made 2el collinear antenna on the car, getting more than 41km:

The antenna and the landscape of the link:

LoRa trial news: new record!

The antenna and the landscape of the link:


LoRa trial news: new record!
More than 29km:

LoRa trial news: frequency and parameters change


LoRa trial news: frequency and parameters change
After a long time testing on 433MHz, i never reached the wanted target. The range was always too much short than expected.
This seems due to a great noise floor and interferences on the 433 ISM band at the gateway premise.
Few weeks ago i decided to install a second gateway working on the 868MHz ISM band.
After many tests i got the best results using these parameters:
- Frequency: 865200kHz
- Channel bandwidth of 62.5kHz
- SF 9
Here is the snapshot of the best tracking of about 25km:
SF 9 is the right SF number to send the payload needed for tracking infos in a reasonable time; so to enhance the coverage, i have only two options:
- to narrow the channel bandwidth to 20.8kHz (width interesting also to be compliant width the HAM channel spacing) gaining about 4db. The intervention isn't so easy because che poor components used on the sensor device introduce a clock drift that cause the lost of alignement between the two station, breaking the demodulation process. Higher quality components and/or a support of TCXO will be investigated for better performances;
- build a well-tuned collinear antenna of 5dbi on the tracker side; and this will be done soon.
Infos will be published when available.
Arduino sketch and configs are available on demand.

The first Ham LoRa application server in Turin is UP & Running!
- Frequency: 865200kHz
- Channel bandwidth of 62.5kHz
- SF 9
Here is the snapshot of the best tracking of about 25km:

SF 9 is the right SF number to send the payload needed for tracking infos in a reasonable time; so to enhance the coverage, i have only two options:
- to narrow the channel bandwidth to 20.8kHz (width interesting also to be compliant width the HAM channel spacing) gaining about 4db. The intervention isn't so easy because che poor components used on the sensor device introduce a clock drift that cause the lost of alignement between the two station, breaking the demodulation process. Higher quality components and/or a support of TCXO will be investigated for better performances;
- build a well-tuned collinear antenna of 5dbi on the tracker side; and this will be done soon.
Infos will be published when available.
Arduino sketch and configs are available on demand.

The first Ham LoRa application server in Turin is UP & Running!
Tuned on 433.375MHz, a LoRa gateway built with the Dragino hardware has been set up in Torre Bert.
It's open for testing purposes.
The basic modulation parameters to use are:
* the channel bandwidth of 20.8KHz
* the spreading factor of 8
A structured data record must be composed to have a live monitoring displayed in real time at this LoRa application server. For the test i used a 'tracking sensor' based on ARDUINO with GPS and a LoRa shield. Now the server is under maintenance for internal debug use. When bug will be fixed, it will look like the 'APRS.fi' in displaying the received tracking sensors; Chrome is the better browser to access this service. The first running version will be announced in few days. If interested in trying to use, write me an email.
Have fun with IoT wireless communication!
* the channel bandwidth of 20.8KHz
* the spreading factor of 8
A structured data record must be composed to have a live monitoring displayed in real time at this LoRa application server. For the test i used a 'tracking sensor' based on ARDUINO with GPS and a LoRa shield. Now the server is under maintenance for internal debug use. When bug will be fixed, it will look like the 'APRS.fi' in displaying the received tracking sensors; Chrome is the better browser to access this service. The first running version will be announced in few days. If interested in trying to use, write me an email.
Have fun with IoT wireless communication!
Offroad experience in fighting digital divide!
These two movies show the hard way till the technohut.org site.
Offroad experience in fighting digital divide!
The movie has been replaced with those made in july.
Drone video recording trial in towers sites
A second movie featured a "tower inspection". During the mission, in unknown condition/position,
strong EM fields disrupted the gimball control causing the need to land and reset the device.
The effects are recorded in the movie starting at 5'34"
Drone video recording trial in towers sites
The movie was captured during the trial in La Morra (Cuneo).
It was a sunny day.
Drone video recording trial in towers sites
The movie was captured during the trial in Tracciolino (Biella).
It was a windy day; so the gimball stabilization feature has been stressed.
Proximity recording has been delayed to avoid flight crash!
One more DMR repeater in Piemonte!
The new repeater temporary named IZ1EZN (DMR call ID 222103) on the DMR-ITALIA net
is active from Frabosa Soprana (CN) JN34VG. It uses the following frequencies: 430.912500Mhz shift +5MHz.
Look at the IZ1EZN repeater log
Look at the IZ1EZN repeater log
The first DMR repeater in Turin activated!
The HAM digital communication network grows and new radio techniques (DMR ETSI
TS 102 361-1: the DMR air interface protocol
TS 102 361-2: the DMR voice and generic services and facilities
TS 102 361-3: the DMR data protocol
TS 102 361-4: the DMR trunking protocol)
are introduced aside of the D-Star experience!
The new repeater temporary named I1YRB (DMR call ID 222102) on the DMR-ITALIA net is active from Torino JN35UA. According to Roberto, IK1JTD that started the DMR in Piemonte @Mongardino (AT), we use the same couple of frequencies: 430.962500Mhz shift +5MHz.
The repeater is linked to the global network (regional/national/international) via a "c-bridge" software facility.
Usefull links:
the c-bridge live traffic at the monitor page
the I1YRB repeater log
the DMR-Italia repeater list
the Italy repeater full list
Many thanks to IK0YYY and IK1JTD to support this new adventure!
TS 102 361-1: the DMR air interface protocol
TS 102 361-2: the DMR voice and generic services and facilities
TS 102 361-3: the DMR data protocol
TS 102 361-4: the DMR trunking protocol)
are introduced aside of the D-Star experience!
The new repeater temporary named I1YRB (DMR call ID 222102) on the DMR-ITALIA net is active from Torino JN35UA. According to Roberto, IK1JTD that started the DMR in Piemonte @Mongardino (AT), we use the same couple of frequencies: 430.962500Mhz shift +5MHz.
The repeater is linked to the global network (regional/national/international) via a "c-bridge" software facility.
Usefull links:
the c-bridge live traffic at the monitor page
the I1YRB repeater log
the DMR-Italia repeater list
the Italy repeater full list
Many thanks to IK0YYY and IK1JTD to support this new adventure!
New WebSDR server added
Fighting for simple, inexpensive, low energy and networked solutions
i tried to build the cheapest websdr server without quality compromise!
I got this thanks to the following components and software:
Raspberry PI (RPI) model B ARM system
High definition audio for RPI Wolfson card to sample 192 kHz stereo @ 24 bit
Radios through RF SoftRock sampler
The original WebSDR software.
The antenna is a Maxiwhip.
Listen to rpi.ham.radio.it, tuned on variable frequencies (i.e. 14150kHz now).
Others local WebSDR sites:
40m websdr.ham.radio.it (only Java, not HTML5 enabled)
80m websdr-next.ham.radio.it (WebSDR rel. 11 so HTML5 enabled)
Access the WebSDR.org site for updated servers list.
Raspberry PI (RPI) model B ARM system
High definition audio for RPI Wolfson card to sample 192 kHz stereo @ 24 bit
Radios through RF SoftRock sampler
The original WebSDR software.
The antenna is a Maxiwhip.
Listen to rpi.ham.radio.it, tuned on variable frequencies (i.e. 14150kHz now).
Others local WebSDR sites:
40m websdr.ham.radio.it (only Java, not HTML5 enabled)
80m websdr-next.ham.radio.it (WebSDR rel. 11 so HTML5 enabled)
Access the WebSDR.org site for updated servers list.
New D-Star repeater - IR1UDI - activated!
In this page,
you can read the repeater details and see the usage log.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1UDI links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home.
Ask to IK1WNQ and I1EPJ for any additional info
** The D-Star Piemonte regional network GROWS! Follow it on XRF027 **
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1UDI links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home.
Ask to IK1WNQ and I1EPJ for any additional info
** The D-Star Piemonte regional network GROWS! Follow it on XRF027 **
Please take care about the change! All naming is moved under 'HAM', a third layer domain:
If you experience some problem on accessing hosts and services, please don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail to i1yrb@ham.radio.it Thank you and 73. bob

If you experience some problem on accessing hosts and services, please don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail to i1yrb@ham.radio.it Thank you and 73. bob
New D-Star repeater - IR1UII - activated!
In this page,
you can read the repeater details and see the usage log.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1UII links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home. Special thanks to Giorgio, IZ1RTF, for his kind support!
As stated on the AIR-Radiorama blog, a balloon launch took place. This is the logged image of the participation:

And this is the last about SP3OSJ:

Dan, YO3GGX, released the new powerful Android APP
pocketRxTX v0.6
Now it enables the access to multiple websdr servers

NEW Webcam global mosaic view added (see the left menu)
NEW phase of DRM30 test on 5 MHz started. A voice announce is transmitted ("CSP Supercomputing Center of Torino - This is a test of Internet of Things"). The transmission include a MOT service for sensors data delivery including an image coming from the wireless link of a weather station at Ciardoney glacier.

NEW D-Star repeater IR1BZ added to the digital regional network. Look at the left table for specific links.
The first italian WebSDR site activated!
Click here to tune and listen your preferred station on 7000-7192 kHz band
or here to tune and listen on 3590-3782 kHz band.
(Please sign-in with your call, TNX!)
First digiRadio stable release v1.2 available!
(Download and try following this LINK)
If the tuned frequency is 162.687500 you are looking at a DMR test. At this time only RadioMonitor authorized users can listen tuning on Pino.ham.radio.it site.
When the tuned frequency is 5 MHz, the frequency of IBF, you are looking at new DRM30 test for sensors data transmission (IoT from CSP)
In other cases, you can try click here to listen
(using winamp or vlc player)
Real time HiperLan
5 GHz @ Torre Bert site
(need browser with Java plugin enabled) D-Star IR1CJ georeferenced map
Breaking NEWS!
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1UII links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home. Special thanks to Giorgio, IZ1RTF, for his kind support!
As stated on the AIR-Radiorama blog, a balloon launch took place. This is the logged image of the participation:

And this is the last about SP3OSJ:

Dan, YO3GGX, released the new powerful Android APP

NEW Webcam global mosaic view added (see the left menu)
NEW phase of DRM30 test on 5 MHz started. A voice announce is transmitted ("CSP Supercomputing Center of Torino - This is a test of Internet of Things"). The transmission include a MOT service for sensors data delivery including an image coming from the wireless link of a weather station at Ciardoney glacier.

NEW D-Star repeater IR1BZ added to the digital regional network. Look at the left table for specific links.
The first italian WebSDR site activated!
Click here to tune and listen your preferred station on 7000-7192 kHz band
or here to tune and listen on 3590-3782 kHz band.
(Please sign-in with your call, TNX!)
(Download and try following this LINK)
If the tuned frequency is 162.687500 you are looking at a DMR test. At this time only RadioMonitor authorized users can listen tuning on Pino.ham.radio.it site.
When the tuned frequency is 5 MHz, the frequency of IBF, you are looking at new DRM30 test for sensors data transmission (IoT from CSP)
In other cases, you can try click here to listen
(using winamp or vlc player)
5 GHz @ Torre Bert site
(need browser with Java plugin enabled) D-Star IR1CJ georeferenced map
Breaking NEWS!
XXX AIR meeting
The XXX AIR meeting has been held in Turin last saturday, 5 may 2012.

Here you can access to my contribution.
More contents will be published directly from AIR, so visit the official site.
IBF on 5 MHz
D-Star DD NLOS access test on 1282.5 MHz!
The test performed successfully!
The user in Chialamberto (Valli di Lanzo) at 884 m. a.s.l.
set a stable connection to Monte Turu LAN gateway at 1321 m. a.s.l.
Both sites used ICOM ID-1 8w out radios.
The antennas system based on Comet mobile SB94 (7.2 dbi gain, user side) and GP-21 (14.9 dbi gain, gateway side).
The distance is 18.1 Km completely in hard NLOS as showed in the following image
New D-Star DD 1282.5 MHz access node activated!
An ID-1 in DD mode and GP21 antenna has been installed in JN35QG.
If interested in setting up the first "IP DX" on 1200 MHz band, you should
have to contact me for technical info and enabling procedure.
Try it NOW!
New D-Star repeater - IR1UCB - activated!
In this page,
you can read the repeater details and see the usage log.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here.
IR1UCB links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home.
Special thanks to Vittorio, IW1DUH, for hosting the node in a beautiful place!
Seismic Precursors observatory at Pontese dew!
In this page,
managed by Renato, IK1QFK, you can read about the project and have pointers to VLF network resources.
New D-Star repeater - IR1ALB - activated!
In this page,
you can read the repeater details and see the usage log.
Images of the site, simulated coverage and friends at work are published in the D-Star gallery here.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here.
IR1ALB links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home.
Simultaneous realtime spectrum view
In this page,
the spectrum acquired in Torino and Pino can be see in parallel allowing
to compare signal strenght.
In case of radio operations, the tuned frequencies may be different. So to obtain again
the same view you need the access via 'Radiomonitor client' in order to align the windows.
Web access to realtime spectrum view is available!
The spectrum acquired can be see directly from your browser.
The following locations are provided:
Frequency tuning is available only to authorized users of 'Radiomonitor client'.
Logged NEWS
Spectrum view added to radiomonitor client!
The "spectrum button" on the right of the client now is operational.
Install the software and follow the instructions explained at the following
Torino-Nord new webcam stream available!
The continuous stream may be accessed by the 'Interesting links' section
IR1BL webcam stream available!
The continuous stream may be accessed by the 'Interesting links' section
IR1BL webcam addon!
A webcam has been installed at IR1BL site. Full continuous stream is active (soon available to everybody) and
event driven snapshots are taken and stored.
T2Italy1 update!
The APRS Tier 2 server for I1 zone, has been activated also on IPv6 network with
2001:848:0:3::2 address and server-v6.ham.radio.it name.
1200 MHz DD-only 128 kbps 44net access service enhanced
The service already available since 08apr2009 has been moved in a better location for wide area coverage. Every OM interested in testing
the long-haul IP DX, can ask me for configuration details and login. Here the supposed coverage in the -97 to -37 dbm range.
1285 MHz DD D-Star service added to IR1CJ
The ID-1 owners can now access the network using the new module. The service is quite different from the announced one in the
08apr2009 news. So every interested user has to ask to the d-star team for having access. Thanks to Andrea (IW1GAP) for his nice (and heavy 8-) job!
Download section updated
DRM Dream 1.11b build for win32, ready to be installed.
Pino.ham.radio.it: the remotized-receiver network grows!
To access you must download the client and ask me for the login account.
Projects and Downloads sections updated
Alix system configuration and setup utilities published.
GARnet project is taking off!
The first area site in IVREA has been connected to the regional 44net backbone.
Contact IZ1MHN for more details and info about coverage and access procedures.
1200 MHz DD @ 128 Kbps IP access activated!
The first brick of the regional IP 44 ham radio data network has been set. Any interested OM under the IR1CJ coverage can ask the sysop team for instructions and access the service. Thanks to IK1AQI for his patience and contribution in the setup test phase!
IR1CJ fully operational.
Please send us e-mail if something seems still to be wrong. Good bye dear old IR1TB !
due to authorization statements IR1TB must change the callsign in IR1CJ!
The work around will take place on saturday 21. So users, to address the repeater, will have to change their radio RPT parameters.
Furthermore some service trouble may occur on international D-Star links in the next few days.
The sysop team apologize to you about this and hope the change will be the final one. SORRY AGAIN!
IR1TB RF power lowered down of 10db.
Please send e-mail in case of critical working conditions.
IR1TB REFlector08 linked!
Every day from 8 pm till 11 pm and all day long on saturday and sunday you hear and transmit on the Italian D-Star network.
IR1TB D-Star SWL service!
You can hear to IR1TB module C (144.9875 MHz, 2 meter band) without any DONGLE simply using MP3 player (i.e. winamp).
IR1UCW repeater transmissions heard on the access frequency of IR1TB (145.9875 MHz). This can be origin of access collisions and reason of sensitivity loss and worst D-Star service quality. The problem will be faced by the IR1TB sysop team
XXX AIR meeting
The XXX AIR meeting has been held in Turin last saturday, 5 may 2012.

Here you can access to my contribution. More contents will be published directly from AIR, so visit the official site.

Here you can access to my contribution. More contents will be published directly from AIR, so visit the official site.
IBF on 5 MHz
D-Star DD NLOS access test on 1282.5 MHz!
The test performed successfully!
The user in Chialamberto (Valli di Lanzo) at 884 m. a.s.l. set a stable connection to Monte Turu LAN gateway at 1321 m. a.s.l.
Both sites used ICOM ID-1 8w out radios.
The antennas system based on Comet mobile SB94 (7.2 dbi gain, user side) and GP-21 (14.9 dbi gain, gateway side).
The distance is 18.1 Km completely in hard NLOS as showed in the following image
The user in Chialamberto (Valli di Lanzo) at 884 m. a.s.l. set a stable connection to Monte Turu LAN gateway at 1321 m. a.s.l.
Both sites used ICOM ID-1 8w out radios.
The antennas system based on Comet mobile SB94 (7.2 dbi gain, user side) and GP-21 (14.9 dbi gain, gateway side).
The distance is 18.1 Km completely in hard NLOS as showed in the following image

New D-Star DD 1282.5 MHz access node activated!
An ID-1 in DD mode and GP21 antenna has been installed in JN35QG.
If interested in setting up the first "IP DX" on 1200 MHz band, you should
have to contact me for technical info and enabling procedure.
Try it NOW!
New D-Star repeater - IR1UCB - activated!
In this page,
you can read the repeater details and see the usage log.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1UCB links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home. Special thanks to Vittorio, IW1DUH, for hosting the node in a beautiful place!
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1UCB links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home. Special thanks to Vittorio, IW1DUH, for hosting the node in a beautiful place!
Seismic Precursors observatory at Pontese dew!
In this page,
managed by Renato, IK1QFK, you can read about the project and have pointers to VLF network resources.
New D-Star repeater - IR1ALB - activated!
In this page,
you can read the repeater details and see the usage log.
Images of the site, simulated coverage and friends at work are published in the D-Star gallery here.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1ALB links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home.
Images of the site, simulated coverage and friends at work are published in the D-Star gallery here.
Repeater status and last heard users can be seen here. IR1ALB links are permanently added in the 'Look at...' section of ham.radio.it home.
Simultaneous realtime spectrum view
In this page,
the spectrum acquired in Torino and Pino can be see in parallel allowing
to compare signal strenght.
In case of radio operations, the tuned frequencies may be different. So to obtain again the same view you need the access via 'Radiomonitor client' in order to align the windows.
In case of radio operations, the tuned frequencies may be different. So to obtain again the same view you need the access via 'Radiomonitor client' in order to align the windows.
Web access to realtime spectrum view is available!
The spectrum acquired can be see directly from your browser.
The following locations are provided:
Frequency tuning is available only to authorized users of 'Radiomonitor client'.
29apr2010Spectrum view added to radiomonitor client!The "spectrum button" on the right of the client now is operational. Install the software and follow the instructions explained at the following URL
18feb2010Torino-Nord new webcam stream available!The continuous stream may be accessed by the 'Interesting links' section
07dec2009IR1BL webcam stream available!The continuous stream may be accessed by the 'Interesting links' section
05dec2009IR1BL webcam addon!A webcam has been installed at IR1BL site. Full continuous stream is active (soon available to everybody) and event driven snapshots are taken and stored.
12oct2009T2Italy1 update!The APRS Tier 2 server for I1 zone, has been activated also on IPv6 network with 2001:848:0:3::2 address and server-v6.ham.radio.it name.
11jul20091200 MHz DD-only 128 kbps 44net access service enhancedThe service already available since 08apr2009 has been moved in a better location for wide area coverage. Every OM interested in testing the long-haul IP DX, can ask me for configuration details and login. Here the supposed coverage in the -97 to -37 dbm range.
27jun20091285 MHz DD D-Star service added to IR1CJThe ID-1 owners can now access the network using the new module. The service is quite different from the announced one in the 08apr2009 news. So every interested user has to ask to the d-star team for having access. Thanks to Andrea (IW1GAP) for his nice (and heavy 8-) job!
24jun2009Download section updatedDRM Dream 1.11b build for win32, ready to be installed.
20jun2009Pino.ham.radio.it: the remotized-receiver network grows!To access you must download the client and ask me for the login account.
07jun2009Projects and Downloads sections updatedAlix system configuration and setup utilities published.
12may2009GARnet project is taking off!The first area site in IVREA has been connected to the regional 44net backbone. Contact IZ1MHN for more details and info about coverage and access procedures.
08apr20091200 MHz DD @ 128 Kbps IP access activated!The first brick of the regional IP 44 ham radio data network has been set. Any interested OM under the IR1CJ coverage can ask the sysop team for instructions and access the service. Thanks to IK1AQI for his patience and contribution in the setup test phase!
28feb2009IR1CJ fully operational.Please send us e-mail if something seems still to be wrong. Good bye dear old IR1TB !
10feb2009PLEASE PAY ATTENTION:due to authorization statements IR1TB must change the callsign in IR1CJ!
The work around will take place on saturday 21. So users, to address the repeater, will have to change their radio RPT parameters.
Furthermore some service trouble may occur on international D-Star links in the next few days.
The sysop team apologize to you about this and hope the change will be the final one. SORRY AGAIN! -
06feb2009IR1TB RF power lowered down of 10db.Please send e-mail in case of critical working conditions.
26jan2009IR1TB REFlector08 linked!Every day from 8 pm till 11 pm and all day long on saturday and sunday you hear and transmit on the Italian D-Star network.
09jan2009IR1TB D-Star SWL service!You can hear to IR1TB module C (144.9875 MHz, 2 meter band) without any DONGLE simply using MP3 player (i.e. winamp).
03jan2009IR1TB ALERT!IR1UCW repeater transmissions heard on the access frequency of IR1TB (145.9875 MHz). This can be origin of access collisions and reason of sensitivity loss and worst D-Star service quality. The problem will be faced by the IR1TB sysop team

Listen to...
- UHF 431.325(Montoso repeater) as heard in Nole (JN35SF)
- IK1XHT-LUniversita' di Torino by IK1QLD
- Any frequency!CSP RadioMonitor free client required (available in the 'Downloads' section)
Look at...
- Cams MosaicPersonal customizable mosaic panel
- W e b C a m sThe real time view of the world !
- Traceroute utilityThe looking glass service
- Spectrum viewWeb access to real time spectrum
- VLF monitoringSite, applications and Links
- Flight monitoringReal tme monitoring
- Bruno and IR1BLIR1BL story
- D-Star utilityD-Star user services
- D-Star IRCDDB utilityD-Star IRCDDB service
- IR1CJ status pageIR1CJ status
- IR1CJ world wide infoIR1CJ in the D-Star network
- IR1UDI status pageIR1UDI status
- IR1UDI world wide infoIR1DK in the D-Star network
- IR1UCB status pageIR1UCB status
- IR1UCB world wide infoIR1UCB in the D-Star network
- IR1BZ status pageIR1BZ status
- IR1BZ world wide infoIR1BZ in the D-Star network
- IR1UII status pageIR1UII status
- IR1UII world wide infoIR1UII in the D-Star network
- IR1UHA status pageIR1UHA status
- IR1UBRIR1UBR console
- REF027 status pageREF027 status
- XRF027 status pageXrf027 status
APRS services
- The APRS netAPRS Tier2 master index
- T2ITALY1T2Italy1 status page
- I1YRB-11APRS local area activity
Interesting links
- VLF receiverVLF receiver in 45°29'45.42"N 7°22'08.90"E 2200 m a.s.l.
- I1YRBPersonal site
- AIRAssociazione Italiana Radioascolto
- AIR blogspotBlogspot sul radioascolto
- AIRERadio d'Epoca
- AIRE PiemonteRadio d'Epoca - Piemonte
- ARIAssociazione Radioamatori Italiani
- ARI CRPVAARI Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta
- ARI TorinoARI sezione di Torino
- CISARCentro Italiano Sperimentazione Attivita' Radiantistiche
- RNRERaggruppamento Nazionale Radiocomunicazioni Emergenza
Torino |